
Maccauvlei Learning Academy are leaders in the application of assessment technology. Staying on the leading edge, we offer assessments that meet the demands of organisations in today’s and tomorrow’s turbulent economy.
In Assessment and Career Development Centres the person is assessed by independent observers in a variety of simulated exercises targeted at the specific level of complexity. Observed behaviour is integrated to develop a profile of strengths and development areas of the participant’s management / leadership competencies.
The typical Career Development Centre will have a number of observers pending the number of participants. The observers are all highly trained and familiar with the exercises. They rotate amongst the various participants during various exercises to ensure absolute objectivity. Observers meet at the end of the process to integrate and compare information in order to gain consensus on ratings for the final report.
As part of the assessment programme, participants go through a debriefing session, during which they are provided with information on accepted approaches as determined by the norm for the specific management level. This session is also used to give feedback to the individuals regarding the relative strength they already have compared to the norm. Each individual receive a Career Management and Planning file containing Personal Development Plans, Development Contracts, Development Suggestions etc. As soon as they receive their feedback reports, these will be incorporated into the file. For recruitment purposes a rank order report will be provided to management. Global feedback will be provided re suitability of each candidate.
There are a number of tools that address other parts of human capability. Some of these capabilities are extremely difficult to develop, but are nevertheless crucial in understanding the holistic person.